neat software
(too old to reply)
Steve Cole
2003-12-08 16:33:15 UTC
thought I would share:


Steve |President & Systems Administrator, Kingston Online Services
|(e pluribus unix) Multiple-T3/OC3 URL: http://www.kos.net/
|Business and Education partners in SouthEastern Ontario
|"Through the firewall, out the router, down the T1, across the
|backbone, bounced from satellite, it's nothing but net."
|(forgive me if I'm terse, I answer hundreds of e-mails a day)
tony summerfelt
2003-12-10 16:01:55 UTC
Post by Steve Cole
interesting. i'd say it's about 5 or 6 years too late, but

a good while ago someone wrote some perl code for move netmail/pkt's
to and from a waffle system.

i took that code and removed all the waffle specific stuff and made it
more generic.

with the new code and one or two perl modules it would be trivial to
have the 'ultimate fidonet internet integration tool' (hey: UFIIT

it could read write netmail/pkt to and from nttp, ftp, email.

i actually wrote most of the code to go between fidonet and a mailing
list, but gave it up (fidonet was dying :) before it was polished...