Stephen Hart
2003-09-04 18:38:06 UTC
adventure, or something, and have only done enough RTFM to keep my
specific Linux applications running. So, I'm not really taking
advantage of all the Linux customization options.
C> Well, strangely enough, I pulled my old pointnode configuration off CDspecific Linux applications running. So, I'm not really taking
advantage of all the Linux customization options.
Ah, yes! The good old "Pete and Clyde's Point Node Kit". Even tho I
immediately switched from BinkleyTerm to FrontDoor (and eventually to
InterMail) just as soon as Peter Zion closed down his FidoNet
node/BBS, I found your point kit was a great introduction to setting
up a FidoNet node. As well, I still use GoldEd as my personal message
As I wax nostalgic, I'll mention that GoldEd was one of the few
shareware programs that I got around to registering. Meanwhile, your
point node kit was the only application that I ever "beta tested".
C> this afternoon, just to see how easy it would be. DOSEMU doesn't like
C> protected mode apps, so I had to pull the latest beta of golded+ off
C> net, but I've got it pretty well configured in both DOS and Linux. Next
Coolness! ;-)
C> If I was serious about either dithering with a Fido point or full node,
C> could I get:
C> a) a pvt node
C> b) binkd access?
I'm assuming that Joe and you are now in touch? Far as I know, that
route should now be relatively painless -- on both the technical side
and the administrative side.
C> As for the rest, we'll deal with that as it comes.
"The rest" being MooseChat or alt.moose participation, eh?
If you'll actually have time to participate in MooseChat, that might
inspire me to start laying the groundwork for "gating" over to
alt.moose. It sounds like you might get access through FidoNet, but
maybe gating MooseChat to alt.moose is something worth doing out of
sheer perversity? ...Er, maybe I should say "worth doing for the
fun of it" since some people confuse being "perverse" with being
"perverted". Gotta watch out for that sorta misunderstanding, right?
BCNU, ...Steve
Never call a man a fool. Borrow from him instead.