free the source...
(too old to reply)
Stephen Hart
2003-10-11 17:13:57 UTC
Meanwhile, I'm not sure why the "Cost Reduction Plan surplus/refund
debate" temporarily moved to e-mail, so I'm going to bring it back
S> because at least 3 of the people it affected don't hang out here
S> <snrk>.

But dude! Like, everyone on the CC list for those e-mail messages was
already discussing it here.
need to make an official announcement in Sysop249 and here in
Sysop249, telling anyone who has not done so to send their mailing
address to Kim.
S> this was the funniest thing i read today. let me rephrase the
S> conundrum so everyone else can appreciate it:

I would have gladly let you, but your "rephrase" skipped over half of
my suggestion.

S> <<let's make an official announcement in sysop249, telling anyone who
S> has long since quit reading sysop249 (because they're no longer in
S> fido) to send their mailing address to kim>>

I mentioned Sysop249 because that is _one_ place where an "official"
decision would need to be posted.

I _also_ mentioned Users249, because Users249 would be more likely to
reach more former CRP members.

S> now email...EVERYONE affected by the sysop249 announcment has an email
S> address. i read email several times a day. i read this newsgroup,
S> maybe once a week. THAT'S why it 'temorarily' moved to email :/

Ah! What with our having already left the money sitting there for a
few years, I can see why you would want to speed up discussion of this
urgent issue. :-)

Meanwhile, the main way Joe might have current e-mail addresses would
be from seeing people post in this newsgroup. So, most people he
might send e-mail to would see a message posted to this newsgroup.

...However, as I mentioned to Joe, anyone in contact with
other former Net249 members could forward any announcement to them
via e-mail. In fact, what with your enthusiasm for e-mail, I'm
assuming you will personally do so.

Anyroad, having said my bit, I figure that I'll now leave it all in
Joe's hands.

Oh, yes. ...I'm happy to have provided some amusement for you.
As usual, "discussing" FidoNet issues with you has been a slice. :-)

TTYL, ...Steve

Make it bust a move! - Jean Luc Mo Dee
tony summerfelt
2003-10-12 20:36:52 UTC
Post by Stephen Hart
But dude! Like, everyone on the CC list for those e-mail messages was
already discussing it here.
yeah, that's the problem. i can list 4 or 5 people that weren't in the
cc list, have email addresses, and are NOT discussing it here...
Post by Stephen Hart
I mentioned Sysop249 because that is _one_ place where an "official"
decision would need to be posted.
it's STILL funny. can YOU even offically read it? there are several
people who will not read the 'official' decision, even though they are
'officially' owed money.

my point is: think beyond fidonet. some of us gave it up. some of us
did it years ago...
Post by Stephen Hart
I _also_ mentioned Users249, because Users249 would be more likely to
reach more former CRP members.
uh, no...anybody but a net249 sysop reading users249? or here?
Post by Stephen Hart
few years, I can see why you would want to speed up discussion of this
urgent issue. :-)
well, i didn't bring it up...just offering helpful suggestions tinged
with as much sarcasm as i can muster...
Post by Stephen Hart
might send e-mail to would see a message posted to this newsgroup.
ok, he can count in harvey, maybe....that leaves 3 or 4 other
people...who are around....
Post by Stephen Hart
via e-mail. In fact, what with your enthusiasm for e-mail, I'm
assuming you will personally do so.
you're probably mistaking my enthusiasm for email, with my
un-enthusiasm for a dying network...

in case my other point wasn't clear: email is probably the most
common, standard method for communicating [with computers] today.
fidonet is not.

yes, it's a fidonet matter. but the majority of people involved are
NOT IN fidonet...
Post by Stephen Hart
Oh, yes. ...I'm happy to have provided some amusement for you.
As usual, "discussing" Fido`Net issues with you has been a slice. :-)
if you read the title of my rss feed you'll see that i blog about
internet stupidity.

i may have to change it to 'making my point with obviously obtuse

here's a helpful hint: collect as many email addresses as possible of
those who are owed money...

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