free the source...
(too old to reply)
Stephen Hart
2003-10-13 17:41:39 UTC
I mentioned Sysop249 because that is _one_ place where an "official"
decision would need to be posted.
S> it's STILL funny. can YOU even offically read it? there are several

Yes, FWIW, I can still read Sysop249. I also still notice that your
amusement still makes you focus on my mentioning Sysop249 when my main
thrust was having any decision announced in a message area "gated" to
a UseNet newsgroup -- and also passed on via e-mail.

S> people who will not read the 'official' decision, even though they are
S> 'officially' owed money.

Well, being nice people, we'll just have to inform as many people as
we can. In passing, _most_ of those who still have money on deposit
have been lax in their own responsibility. Whether they forgot that
they might have money on deposit, or whether they were preoccupied
with whatever was going on in their lives at the time when they left
Net249; Their money is still sitting there because they failed to
claim it.

...Putting it in perspective, the amounts on deposit for
individuals range from five to ten dollars, with two people who may
have had up to around thirty or forty dollars. Note that I'm just
glancing at one of the final finance reports, and that some of those
people got their refunds at later dates. (Those that did not, should
now contact Joe or Kim. ...Unless they want their money to go
towards something silly like a Net249 Nostalgia Party. Lord knows, I
feel that would be as worthwhile as donating it to most charities.)

S> my point is: think beyond fidonet. some of us gave it up. some of us
S> did it years ago...

My point is this; While still participating in FidoNet, I am already
thinking beyond FidoNet.
I _also_ mentioned Users249, because Users249 would be more likely to
reach more former CRP members.
S> uh, no...anybody but a net249 sysop reading users249? or here?

Hey, it's reaching former sysops like Don S. and yourself. Then,
thanks to you and others, it'll reach a few other former CRP members
via e-mail.
few years, I can see why you would want to speed up discussion of this
urgent issue. :-)
S> well, i didn't bring it up...just offering helpful suggestions tinged

Yes, you did bring it up. ...Go back and read the first message you
wrote with this subject!

S> with as much sarcasm as i can muster...

Thank you for that. Brings back "nostalgia" for the "good old days"
of "debating" things in the Sysop249 message area.
might send e-mail to would see a message posted to this newsgroup.
S> ok, he can count in harvey, maybe....that leaves 3 or 4 other
S> people...who are around....

Great. There's no sense in anyone we can contact leaving their money
"for the cause" because there will still be enough money unclaimed to
buy enough pizza or whatever for a nice little gathering.

S> here's a helpful hint: collect as many email addresses as possible of
S> those who are owed money...

My return hint is this; Pass on either Kim or Joe's e-mail address to
those who might be concerned. Then, if they are unsure, Kim can tell
them whether or not they left any money on deposit.

...This may sound slightly harsh, but it's really up to the former
CRP members to claim their money. (And yes, I know that some people
left their money on deposit as a "donation" in case Net249 might need
to use it. So, it's time for us to let them know that it isn't going
to be needed.)

TTYL, ...Steve

We have engaged the Borg. The wedding is Friday!
tony summerfelt
2003-10-18 18:11:40 UTC
Post by Stephen Hart
Yes, FWIW, I can still read Sysop249.
that's right, i forgot that we pretty much abandoned local policy for
that kind of thing...well i guess net249 DID progress a bit...
Post by Stephen Hart
amusement still makes you focus on my mentioning Sysop249
only because that's where you said the 'official announcment' would be
Post by Stephen Hart
Net249; Their money is still sitting there because they failed to
claim it.
i guess that can be a two way street. any message posted by somebody
shutting down probably should have been replied to with 'where do you
want your remaining crp funds mailed to'
Post by Stephen Hart
Those that did not, should now contact Joe or Kim.
i agree. regardless of whether they know about impending party plans
with their money...
Post by Stephen Hart
Lord knows, I
feel that would be as worthwhile as donating it to most charities.)
personally i would object to my money being donated to a charity...
Post by Stephen Hart
My point is this; While still participating in FidoNet, I am already
thinking beyond FidoNet.
i dunno, you went to a lot of trouble to gate one echo from a dying
network so the rest of the online world could see it if they chose...
Post by Stephen Hart
Hey, it's reaching former sysops like Don S. and yourself.
didn't don mention that he'd never used newsgroups? i thought he was
actually reading net249 itself...

as for me i can't 'blog stupidity on the internet' if i can't read

believe me, if i stopped reading this today i would free up a minute
or so a week...as it is playing devil's advocate STILL works with the
fidonet crowd...
Post by Stephen Hart
Yes, you did bring it up. ...Go back and read the first message you
wrote with this subject!
ah, true fidonet style...actually, it was an aside to comment about
software. and also in true fidonet style, the topic was ignored and
the 'aside' was bitten into like dog who won't let it go, i obliged,
and we ended up here...

the original topic of course completely ignored <snrk> ...even with
the same subject line...
Post by Stephen Hart
"for the cause" because there will still be enough money unclaimed to
buy enough pizza or whatever for a nice little gathering.
at this point i'm wondering about the legal ramifications. it would be
a shame for the money to be 'spent' and then somebody has to come with
a few of those dollars for someone who comes back to kingston for
their share...
Post by Stephen Hart
My return hint is this; Pass on either Kim or Joe's e-mail address to
those who might be concerned.
i'm no longer in fidonet...i'm a little concened how this became MY
Post by Stephen Hart
...This may sound slightly harsh, but it's really up to the former
CRP members to claim their money.
again, i think somebody's lawyer could make a case otherwise...

'course i'm not a lawyer, but if steve winters can sue to get back
into fidonet ANYTHING is possible...
