marketing and politics (Was SF/Fantasy authors/DVDs)
(too old to reply)
Stephen Hart
2003-12-08 17:14:22 UTC
messages per thread. I read a fair number of them, because it was
interesting seeing an editor being nice enough to participate in a
newsgroup. Eventually I tried getting more selective, and I did find
c> PNH and his wife Theresa are really good about taking the time to deal

I'll have to look for her posts. If I'm lucky, she posts from tor.com
as well and I can search for both at once.

c> with fans of their authors. It's been a blessing being able to get the

I was very impressed by the amount of thought he puts into his
replies. It's obvious that he tries to explain the industry, rather
than just trying to "snow" people like a Public Relations flack would.

When I get back to skimming the rec.arts.sf.written newsgroup on a
regular basis, I'll be adding him to the list of message writers I
look for when reading the message headers.

c> real info about book release dates from them, rather than trying to find
c> out from the bookstore people (Do Not Trust The Bookstore People).

Hey, I even take publishing house press releases with several grains
of salt, especially with certain authors. ;-)

c> [snip]
people. If they do realize exactly how much information is being
compiled, both by the public and by the private sector, some people
just think that these files will help government and business to
better "serve" them.
c> The rest of us realize that this is in the agricultural sense..

Good one! ;-) ...I had not intended that "play on words", but it
is certainly appropriate.

c> [snip]
I notice that so far no one else has joined this message thread, so
I'll thank you for indulging me. In passing, I'd highly recommend
c> I've been busy. :) I'm now in Dublin, Ireland, if anyone is looking
c> me, after finishing the PhD thing. :) I'm afraid the rest of the messages

Congratulations on a successful thesis and defense! What's next on
your agenda?

By the way, you have great timing. I was starting to think about
sending a quick "hope things are going well" e-mail note to your
"chebucto DOT ns DOT ca" address. If nothing else, your reminding me
of imdb.com plus your mentioning Erikson's books were both helpful for
me and deserved another "thank you".

c> I had planned to reply to have been lost in the ether, so I'll have

Well, I'm not going to urge you to head for groups.google.ca,
especially not for the last message I sent your way. I not only
indulged in some hyperbole but was probably less than "politically
correct". One of my deep dark secrets is that I'll occasionally let
myself get a little too enthusiastic, in an effort to generate extra
replies from those who lurk. ...It's safe to mention this habit now,
because we're near the end of Yet Another Long Message and many
reader's eyes will have glazed over, and they'll miss reading about my
nefarious plots to lure more folks into actually writing messages
"here" in Users249. :-)

c> start from here. :) Hope everything is well in K-town.

I was going to sit back and see if anyone else had any comments, but
then I realized that only two of the regular Users249 message writers
are actually still in Kingston. Other than the guys in Trenton and
surrounding area, most Users249 participants were in Kingston at some
point, but many of the regulars are now in places like Port Hope or
Ottawa or wherever their careers have taken them. There are a bunch
of other "Kingstonians" who occasionally lurk here, but it apparently
takes a rare and extremely interesting message to get a reply from
them. :-)

Anyway, I'm not sure whether this is good news or bad news for you,
but Kingston seems pretty much the same as usual.

TTYL, ...Steve

And they saith unto Jesus, "How the Hell did you do that?
Corey M Seward
2003-12-09 11:18:58 UTC
Post by Stephen Hart
messages per thread. I read a fair number of them, because it was
interesting seeing an editor being nice enough to participate in a
newsgroup. Eventually I tried getting more selective, and I did find
c> PNH and his wife Theresa are really good about taking the time to deal
I'll have to look for her posts. If I'm lucky, she posts from tor.com
as well and I can search for both at once.
Might also be from panix.com. It seems that it's usually Teresa who
posts to the Robert Jordan newsgroup, anyway, rather than Patrick. And
it looks like there's no 'h' in Teresa's name, if that helps. :)

Post by Stephen Hart
c> real info about book release dates from them, rather than trying to find
c> out from the bookstore people (Do Not Trust The Bookstore People).
Hey, I even take publishing house press releases with several grains
of salt, especially with certain authors. ;-)
Most of the time you can trust those, since they tend to be tied in with
all of the PR and promotion crap that has to be booked so far in advance.
Most of the time. :)
Post by Stephen Hart
people. If they do realize exactly how much information is being
compiled, both by the public and by the private sector, some people
just think that these files will help government and business to
better "serve" them.
c> The rest of us realize that this is in the agricultural sense..
Good one! ;-) ...I had not intended that "play on words", but it
is certainly appropriate.
I wish I could claim complete originality on that one, but alas. I did at
least have the presence of mind to apply it, though, right? :)
Post by Stephen Hart
c> [snip]
I notice that so far no one else has joined this message thread, so
I'll thank you for indulging me. In passing, I'd highly recommend
c> I've been busy. :) I'm now in Dublin, Ireland, if anyone is looking
c> me, after finishing the PhD thing. :) I'm afraid the rest of the messages
Congratulations on a successful thesis and defense! What's next on
your agenda?
As soon as the work permit comes through, I officially start working here
as a post-doctoral fellow. Different type of research, but still in
Post by Stephen Hart
By the way, you have great timing. I was starting to think about
sending a quick "hope things are going well" e-mail note to your
"chebucto DOT ns DOT ca" address. If nothing else, your reminding me
I originally used that as an attempt to foil spam-harvesters.. I'm not
really sure how well it has worked anymore. It may very well be that the
harvesters have gotten smarter, or I put it somewhere else they can get
at, or I'm just getting dictionary attacks, but the spamload has greatly
increased over the last year or so..
Post by Stephen Hart
of imdb.com plus your mentioning Erikson's books were both helpful for
me and deserved another "thank you".
No worries. Glad you're enjoying them. :)
Post by Stephen Hart
c> I had planned to reply to have been lost in the ether, so I'll have
Post by Stephen Hart
reader's eyes will have glazed over, and they'll miss reading about my
nefarious plots to lure more folks into actually writing messages
"here" in Users249. :-)
Sorry, what was that? I think my eyes may have glazed over there.. :)
However, I will mention that neither Cameron Diaz nor Christina Applegate
really do it for me.. *shrug* I'll make no comment on the kids at
Queen's, especially since they're now ~17 when they start. Where's my
Post by Stephen Hart
c> start from here. :) Hope everything is well in K-town.
I was going to sit back and see if anyone else had any comments, but
then I realized that only two of the regular Users249 message writers
are actually still in Kingston. Other than the guys in Trenton and
surrounding area, most Users249 participants were in Kingston at some

Heh. I think all except two of my close friends from high school have
actually now left the Halifax area where we had all planned to stay..
Such is life.
Post by Stephen Hart
Anyway, I'm not sure whether this is good news or bad news for you,
but Kingston seems pretty much the same as usual.
I guess that's good. :) At least there haven't been any natural disasters
and such.. Ciao.
----------------->cutting here will ruin your monitor<-----------------
Corey Seward aa467 AT chebucto DOT ns DOT ca
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aa467 I abuse spammers.
"It's dark, nasty and... moving." "It's distilled usenet bitterness." -UF