hiatus, eh?
(too old to reply)
Stephen Hart
2005-06-15 21:12:22 UTC
Hi All,

Other than my sporadic BBS List updates, our Users249 "hiatus" is
continuing. I'm using quote marks because the word "hiatus" implies
that at some point message traffic will resume.

Anyroad, I seem to following a tradition of writing a semi-annual
message assuring folks that the gateway is still operating...

Every few days I check the UseNet newsgroup and the FidoNet echo. If
I see traffic, I boot Linux and run the gateway software. I'll
quickly gloss over the fact that lately I mainly seem to run Windows,
indicating that I have been corrupted by the Dark Side of the Farce.

So, the UseNet newsgroup has had periodic "spam" that I have not gated
to FidoNet. Meanwhile, a month or so ago there were a few test
messages and replies in the FidoNet message area that I did not gate
to the newsgroup. I dunno? With low traffic, perhaps I should have
gated the FidoNet test messages?

Oh yes, November was the last time I posted a "hiatus eh?" message and
I was touched to see three replies, which I gated. I did not reply to
those messages because, as my message stated, I was not going to be
writing messages for a while. As well, I had a faint hope that the
three people who replied might start their own little message
exchange... <grin> I'll admit to wondering whether folks were
indulging in a warped sense of humor. Someone writes a message saying
they'll be taking a message writing hiatus, and suddenly people write
messages replying. So, be warned that this time around I might
actually reply.

TTYL, ...Steve

I am Sajak of Borg; RES_STA_CE _S F_T_LE.
tony summerfelt
2005-06-17 23:52:57 UTC
Post by Stephen Hart
quickly gloss over the fact that lately I mainly seem to run Windows,
indicating that I have been corrupted by the Dark Side of the Farce.
two things wrong with your statement:

you admitted to using software that will only cause you problems :)

you made a star wars reference. at least jar-jar will be happy

as for firing up linux to run the software, consider installing cygwin on
the windows machine. software should compile and run ok on it...