Stephen Hart
2003-10-19 18:18:11 UTC
Hi Paul, ...In a msg of <16 Oct 03>, Paul Henry wrote:
PH> Hey, if people don't want their money back, and you've done your due
PH> dilligence in trying to give it back,
Assuming we want to "do it right", I think we could finish reasonable
due diligence in a few months:
I'm thinking one announcement from the NEC saying we're wrapping-up
the financial loose-ends of the CRP _plus_ a little effort to reach
those people who can still conceivably be reached. Then, a couple
months wait to give people a reasonable amount of time to get in touch
with the CRP Treasurer...
A "reasonable effort" to contact people would probably consist of
cross-posting Joe's announcement to the kingston.general newsgroup on
top of Users249 (which is gated to a less well-known newsgroup). As
well, some of us would pass on the word via e-mail, or would have
already given Joe current e-mail addresses for those who may still
have "donations" on deposit.
If I were in Joe's shoes, I'd be tempted to e-mail Kim for an actual
list of those who still have money on deposit, just to narrow down who
still needs contacting. However, I'm not in Joe's shoes.
PH> I'm down with a party idea. I can
PH> think of no better reason for a road trip to k-town. ;-)
Party? Meal? ...Here's a thought. If it was "buy or bring your own
bottle" at some pizza joint, it might even be possible to do it more
than once. 'Course I may be underestimating the number of people who
could make it, or underestimating how fancy a place we'd pick to meet.
Over the last couple years, proposals have ranged from picking up the
tab for brew and food at a local tavern to just meeting in a certain
Kingston city park that happens to within a few blocks of several
pizza and fast food joints and has easy parking, BBQ areas and a
baseball diamond. However, the park idea would mean waiting until
In passing, it's interesting see how many current and former Net249
sysops have ended up in the Ottawa area. Silicon Valley North, eh?
TTYL, ...Steve
Beware of geeks bearing GIFs!
PH> Hey, if people don't want their money back, and you've done your due
PH> dilligence in trying to give it back,
Assuming we want to "do it right", I think we could finish reasonable
due diligence in a few months:
I'm thinking one announcement from the NEC saying we're wrapping-up
the financial loose-ends of the CRP _plus_ a little effort to reach
those people who can still conceivably be reached. Then, a couple
months wait to give people a reasonable amount of time to get in touch
with the CRP Treasurer...
A "reasonable effort" to contact people would probably consist of
cross-posting Joe's announcement to the kingston.general newsgroup on
top of Users249 (which is gated to a less well-known newsgroup). As
well, some of us would pass on the word via e-mail, or would have
already given Joe current e-mail addresses for those who may still
have "donations" on deposit.
If I were in Joe's shoes, I'd be tempted to e-mail Kim for an actual
list of those who still have money on deposit, just to narrow down who
still needs contacting. However, I'm not in Joe's shoes.
PH> I'm down with a party idea. I can
PH> think of no better reason for a road trip to k-town. ;-)
Party? Meal? ...Here's a thought. If it was "buy or bring your own
bottle" at some pizza joint, it might even be possible to do it more
than once. 'Course I may be underestimating the number of people who
could make it, or underestimating how fancy a place we'd pick to meet.
Over the last couple years, proposals have ranged from picking up the
tab for brew and food at a local tavern to just meeting in a certain
Kingston city park that happens to within a few blocks of several
pizza and fast food joints and has easy parking, BBQ areas and a
baseball diamond. However, the park idea would mean waiting until
In passing, it's interesting see how many current and former Net249
sysops have ended up in the Ottawa area. Silicon Valley North, eh?
TTYL, ...Steve
Beware of geeks bearing GIFs!